What is ADHD?
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cameron Witt and I am diagnosed with ADHD, one of the most common disabilities in the world. There are more than 3 million cases in the United States per year. It is a condition in which people have hyperactivity and impulsiveness and express difficulty in paying attention.
ADHD (or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) begins as early as childhood and can continue well beyond adulthood. Many people who are diagnosed with it experience self esteem issues, difficulty with staying focused in school, relationships, or all of the above. One who is diagnosed with ADHD may also show difficulty in processing given information. They may not understand what they heard and will ask for the information to be repeated to them. Diagnosed individuals may also receive accommodations that cater to their needs and ensure that they are able to perform given tasks. ADHD effects millions around the world, but I am here to share about my own personal experiences as someone who is among the diagnosed millions.